Disney Mickey Mouse Animation Magic Spinning Lamp is created and hand-painted by master artisans, showcasing a fully dimensional image of Mickey Mouse with his early era pie eyes, traditional white gloves and classic red shorts.
Motion with animation ! The base of the lamp is a working praxinoscope – give it a spin and watch as the still images of Mickey Mouse inside reflect off mirrored surfaces to create moving pictures of the earliest kind!
A striped fabric shade features famous quote “It all started with a mouse…” and, when illuminated, the shade reveals a graphic of Mouse
A golden finial shaped like the iconic Mickey Mouse ears logo is the perfect finishing touch to this must-have Mickey Mouse collectible.
UL approved; includes a FREE standard energy efficient bulb for soft illumination.
Lamp measures 20″ H; 50.8 cm H, including finial; fabric shade measures 10” in diameter; 25.4 cm in diameter.
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A wonderful addition to my Disney room/collection.